Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A dream of space

One of the main drives for this blog is a dream. A vivid one. One of those dreams that works as a wake up call. In short, I dreamt that doubters (established scientists and government) literally one day had to wake up one morning looking up into the sky and see creative engineers, who did not care "what is possible", blasting off towards their dream: space.

After that dream I have been able to see these people in everyday life doing amazing things, everywhere, and struggling to be heard. And after writing my last blog entry, I realize, just I now realize how close this dream is to become reality. Scaled Composites is just one private initiative creating space crafts for human flight, right now! But other, even bolder initiatives, are currently testing their rockets for manned flight these days. In my own home country, Denmark, Copenhagen Suborbitals are getting ready to launch their first rocket (currently unmanned). They are quite serious about going to space. But the Suborbital group are ignoring/challenging at least two existing dogma of space travel: it has to be expensive and that it is difficult. I am fairly sure that more private or non-government projects launched by enthusiasts out there, wanting to reach for the sky no matter what.

If this happens, I think we will enter a new age. An age where people will (more readily) accept the impossible to spring from a garage (or a converted boat - as for the Copenhagen Suborbitals), rather than a billion dollar research institution. In my own mind I named this The Age of the Alchemists (has a nice ring to it).

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