Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Explosion of idealistic firms in Denmark

Michael Lund writes in the Danish newspaper Politikken today that new firms with idealistic concepts are sprouting from The Economic Crisis as never before in Denmark. While most traditional firms goes bankrupt, firms giving their surplus to charity, or aim to put employ socially challenged individuals, are reviving the support and attention of their customers, multiply in numbers over the last 6 months.

I know that once your mind is set up for something, it sees it everywhere. Like I would like to see people beginning to throw away their prejudices, take matters into our own hands, and accept the responsibility. So, I admit I may just be noticing trees in the forest. But it make my day happier to believe that we (people in the industrial world) are perhaps slowly waking up from decades of apathy.

Original article in Politikken

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